What does a school counselor do?
The role of the elementary counselor is to help students learn and develop to their highest potential, socially, emotionally, and academically. There are so many situations that interfere with a child’s learning process. I am here to help students work through those issues. I provide students with early interventions as well as preventative strategies so that All students benefit.
Who is a school counselor?
A Professional who has earned a Master’s Degree in school counseling.
An Educator who holds state certification in school counseling to include counseling theories and practices, human behavior, career education, individual appraisal, and social/cultural issues. Maintaining certification includes on-going professional development to stay current with education reform and challenges facing today’s students. Professional association membership enhances the school counselor’s knowledge and effectiveness.
A Specialist who has expertise in age-specific developmental stages of student growth, and the needs, tasks, and student interests related to those stages.
Counseling Services
Individual Counseling
Individual Counseling is a one-to-one meeting with the counselor to discuss a problem or topic of interest that may be affecting their academic success. Friendship issues, worries, conflict resolution, difficulty coming to school, grief, and anger management are frequent issues facing children.
During sessions, students might:
talk about things that are important to them
use puppets to help express feelings and problems
role play situations
work on a plan to reach a goal
read stories that will help them learn and understand more about themselves
use the counseling office as a safe place to calm down when feeling upset
play games to learn ways to relate to others
Referrals for students to meet with a school counselor can be made by classroom teachers, principal, parents, or through student self-referrals. Self-referral forms are available for all students in grades 3-5, and can be obtained from the student’s teacher. Parents are welcome to call or e-mail the counselors at any time to request individual counseling for their child. While students may see us at anytime for brief discussions, parental permission must be granted in order for a counselor to work with a student for a series of multiple, planned sessions.
While we provide many services for students and their families, we are unable to testify in child custody matters. We are also unable to provide intensive, long-term counseling services to students.
Group Counseling
Small group counseling (typically 6-10 participants) is needs based and usually meets once a week during recess for four to six weeks in order to be least disruptive to the learning environment. Small groups provide members the opportunity to share ideas and learn from each other. Group topics are chosen based upon student needs, and can change throughout the school year. Participation, which is voluntary and confidential, requires permission from a parent or guardian. Referrals for groups are made by parents and teachers. Priority is given to students who show an academic need.
Common Small Group Topics:
Getting Along
Social skills
Changing Families
Counselors Care
The Turtles (Shyness/School Adjustment)
Look for more details about small groups that are being offered and their time frames in our quarterly Counseling Connection newsletter that comes home with students.
Counseling Programs
Classroom Guidance Lessons
Classroom Guidance is a developmental program of classes designed to foster students’ academic, career, and personal/social development. Classes are preventative in nature and empower students with self-knowledge, coping strategies, and life skills that will assist them in becoming problem solvers, collaborative workers, and responsible citizens.
Common Classroom Guidance Topics:
Decision Making
Getting Along with Others
Stress Management
Internet Safety
School Wide Programs
At Ettrick Elementary, we have many school-wide programs to reinforce the importance of our core values of respect, responsibility, accountability and honesty. These include, but are not limited to:
Bucket Fillers
Book Buddies
580 Club
Chesterfield Goes to College Week
What’s Next Wednesdays
New Student Welcome Lunch